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Steven D. Rowland


  1. Ranjan, A., Budke, J. M., Rowland, S. D., Chitwood, D. H., Kumar, R., Carriedo, L., … Sinha, N. R. (2016). EQTL regulating transcript levels associated with diverse biological processes in tomato. Plant Physiology.
  2. Sinha, N. R., Rowland, S. D., & Ichihashi, Y. (2016). Using gene networks in EvoDevo analyses. Current Opinion in Plant Biology.
  3. Rowland, S. D., Zumstein, K., Nakayama, H., Cheng, Z., Flores, A. M., Chitwood, D. H., … Sinha, N. R. (2019). Leaf shape is a predictor of fruit quality and cultivar performance in tomato. BioRxiv, 584466.
  4. Jhu, M.-Y., Farhi, M., Wang, L., Philbrook, R. N., Belcher, M. S., Nakayama, H., … Sinha, N. R. (2019). Lignin-based resistance to Cuscuta campestris in tomato. BioRxiv.